Amazon Brand Protection

How to Fight Fraud on Amazon

As a prudent seller, you should constantly monitor and detect these illegal activities. Then report them to Amazon with supporting evidence. The first step is to enroll in the Amazon Brand Registry, which offers a variety of trademark protection tools and services. You should use Amazon Image and Content Search tools, and then sign up for Transparency on Amazon, Project Zero, and IP Accelerator services.

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E-Store Boost to Protect Your Brand and Products

Since you want to focus more on the sales process, brand protection can be costly in terms of time and effort for you. At this point, E-Store Boost is at your service to protect your brand.

E-Store Boost cares about your brand and products as a team with different expertise. We constantly monitor other products similar to yours with the help of Amazon Brand Protection Tools such as global search, image search and ASIN search. We detect malicious people who use your brand, images and content in their listings and report them to Amazon for account suspension.

We carry out Transparency, Project Zero and IP Accelerator registration processes. We should also mention that our experienced graphic designers associate your products and images with your brand logo to prevent counterfeiting. We know that there is a great deal of effort behind your brand and well-optimized listings. E-Store Boost cares about your brand!

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